South Shore, Inc. – South Shore Building Services 1800-579-4378


Other Commercial Cleaning Services

Solar Panel Cleaning

Accumulated dirt and dust can lower the energy production of your solar panels by as much as 5% per day; South Shore utilizes non-abrasive cleaning solutions and techniques to help you keep solar panels performing at its maximum capacity just by keeping them on a regular maintenance program.

Bird Abatement Systems

Birds can be a nuisance at your property causing excessive noise, leaving droppings that can pose as a health risk and they can cause a significant amount of permanent property damage. South Shore Building Services provides expertise in the cleanup of stains and damage caused by birds and the installation of bird abatement systems. We are experts in providing humane bird control solutions through bird netting, Flex Track and the installation of bird spikes. By installing effective bird control solutions, we help to protect the health of your tenants and the look of your property. Call us today to find out more how we can customize a solution for you.

Awning Cleaning

Keep your awnings looking new! South Shore experts will clean and seal you existing awnings to give them a fresh appearance. We apply a powerful fabric cleaner to dramatically reduce streaks, stains and pollution, followed by sealing your awnings to protect them from excessive UV damage and mildew growth.

Roof Cleaning

A dirty roof not only hurts your energy savings but shortens the life of your roof! South Shore provides a chemical wash of roof membranes through a spray, scrub, and rinse process. Through this process South shore experts will clean and restore the exterior of your buildings roof!

Window Restoration

Restoration of building exteriors increase value & visibility giving it back its prestine class A appearance!

When windows become minimally impacted aesthetically by just a window cleaning service a restoration service is suggested. We can have an expert come over and asses the situ- ation and submit an estimate that will help restore the beauty of your building.

Geopositioning plays a big role in the maintenance and frequency of service to your property. For example; A building positioned along the coast or major highway leads to a heavier buildup of containments than the average class A building office tower.

Due to this, the building requires increased window cleaning frequency’s to protect the glass from the layers of oils, grime and calcification from the salt and polution that attach and build on to the glass on a daily basis.

This is why you see the windows in a state of yellowing past the normal appearance of dirt/dust (water soluble). With that being said, a window cleaning service WILL NOT remove the now stained windows. When left in this condition for extended periods of time, it can create small scratches in your glass as the containments make small adjustments when winds glide the containments ever so slightly.

Before providing a restoration proposal, South Shore is happy to provide a FREE test at your building for a window restoration service to provide ownership a preview glimpse into the restoration of the glass.

Although budget may not allow for this fiscal year depending on your budget allowances, it’s a step in the right direction to prepare a proposal and visual for the future.

We typically see 80-90% results on a full restoration. Not taking acction can lead to worsening window deterioration and higher repair/restoration costs.